Archive for 2010

Big Blessing aren't for Small Minds

Big blessings aren’t for small minds. When God appeared to Abraham in Genesis and made a covenant with him, He said “in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply you”. Two key words I will want us to underline in this scripture is blessing and multiply.

I would like to say that, too many people get crushed by the little blessings God brings their way. They are too busy working, they have no time for family. They are too busy preaching, they have no time to know God. They are too busy meeting deadlines, they are losing out on life. If you find yourself in any such or similar situation, you might have to review a few things and quickly address them before this year turns out to be too stressful for you.

Let’s go back to the Abraham story and create a scenario. Imagine if Father Abraham had to take care of all his sheep and cattle and goats and camels by himself. Imagine if he didn’t have any servant at all. How would his life have been like? Pathetic right? But that is where most of us find ourselves: Blessed but Pathetic.

We need to understand that if we really want to see the full blessing of God, we must have a multiplication mindset. Just like the disciples of Jesus in Luke 5, your net will break under the blessing and it will be unwise to watch your boat sink and lose all the fish you just caught. Call for help now. Don’t wait any longer. Expand your dream. Expand your brain. Expand your team.

In Matthew 7:24-25, Jesus talks about the wise man and foolish man and the main difference between them is where they build their houses. One chose the sand, the other the rocks. What is interesting is that in this story, the first thing that happens to both of these people, is “the rain descended”. The rain is a symbol of blessing in the Bible. We all know about the former and later rains. Elijah prayed for rain. We sing about “showers of blessing” etc. And yet the Bible tells us, the rain comes and the house of the foolish man collapses.

Walking with God is a bit like sports photography. A game can look uneventful for a long time and all of a sudden something magical happens. The thing is, if you see what is happening with your eyes, it is too late to capture it on film. What good sports photographers do, is to anticipate. They predict and click. It is the only way to make amazing sports photographs.

In our walk with God, we need to think like sports photographers. When Jesus says “launch into the deep”, you’d better pick up your mobile phone and start calling all your fisherman friends. When the prophet says start pouring the oil, you’d better borrow every single empty jar in your country.

As Christians, we are children of the Great King above all kings. His first gift to man was a whole planet; and it only got better after that. There is no room in christianity for small-mindedness. If you want to think small, believe small, dream small then why don’t you go serve a small god?

If you want to serve the God of the Bible, you need to think like He thinks:- MULTIPLICATION.

About Me

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Nana Kofi Acquah (africashowboy) is a pro photographer and filmmaker who works across Africa for some of the world's most iconic brands and organisations.


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